Monday, February 17, 2014

USU library gets late start

A crowd gathered in front of the Utah State Merrill-Cazier Library waiting for the doors to open at 6 p.m. on Monday. The library, which normally begins letting students in at 7 a.m., opened late due to Presidents Day.

"I came right at six and there were 30 people waiting outside," said Solomon Anderson, a junior at USU. "I actually came up here this morning and the doors were locked. It was the dumbest thing."

“I didn’t really care that it opened at six because I had access to the engineering building,” said James Gardner, a student at USU. “However, I am glad it was closed because I think the employees deserve a break too. After all, it is a holiday.”

Kate Cecotti, a circulation desk employee at the library, said the sensor gates near the entrance of the building show that most students who utilize the library on holidays come in the evening.

“There wasn’t much traffic before six, that’s why the decision was made to open at that time,” Cecotti said. “It costs money to open the library and there has to be enough students to make it worth the time and money. That’s why the library closes early on Friday evening.”

Over 1,500 students use the library during normal operating hours each day.

"I was surprised it was open at all," said sophomore Nate Burton. "This is a federal holiday and there are other places to study. Not a lot of students are here at that time.”

Nikki VanLith, Janessa Knowles, Claire Hubbard, LeAnn Fox, Alex Taylor and Logan Jones contributed to this report.

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