Friday, February 24, 2012

Neutrality rules are obstacles to re-election for ASUSU officers

Of the 38 candidates running for student office at Utah State University, just three already hold positions in student government.

And for those few individuals, a re-election bid can be a lonely endeavor.

“All their closest friends, who they’ve been spending every waking hour with this year, are on ASUSU,” said Erik Mikkelsen, the current executive council president.

And current ASUSU officers, Mikkelsen said, are required to remain neutral in the elections process.

“Their closest friends can’t help them campaign,” he said.

Hannah Blackburn and Jordan Hunt, who were appointed to their current positions, will be running for a different office this year. Blackburn, current ASUSU public relations director, is running for executive council president. Hunt, the administrative assistant, is running for academic senate president. Riley Bradshaw, who is the engineering senator, is running for a second term.

Hunt said having to run without the support of those most familiar with his work has been a challenge.

“It is important because I work in student government, that my peers that also work in student government remain neutral because, if you’re not running, you are required to stay neutral. That would be unprofessional and unethical,” Hunt said. “It’s been interesting to see that notion of fair play and making sure they stay neutral, although they’ve worked with me and they know how I am.”

For Blackburn, the desire to return to student government has meant abandoning her duties.

Normally, as public relations director, Blackburn would be in charge of elections. This year, that duty will be handled by Executive Vice President Kirsten Frank.

“The only reason Hannah had to resign is because she was in charge of elections,” Mikkelsen said.

“I basically had to withdraw from ASUSU,” Blackburn said. “Essentially on the 3rd floor, I am Hannah Blackburn, PR director. Everywhere else, I am Hannah Blackburn the candidate.”

Matt Skabelund, Katie Carter, Parker Jeppesen, Julia Stock, Jessica Jolley, Adison Pace and Victoria Hepworth contributed to this report.

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